Hey there!

Lets start from the beginning.

1) I want you to think about how much inventory you have to see if a Group sale would be best of if you have enough to hold its own in a week long Sonlet link party.

2) Next, depending on the age of your items, is also how you need to pick sales.

3) Look at your items with fresh eyes. How old are your items? Just like styles go out of “style” so do prints. The customers have seen the old prints over and over for years. Think about going to Target right now – Would you pay retail or even 50% off for anything Halloween 2018?

4) How often do you order?

5) How often do you WANT to order?

6) What % of your total inventory is Leggings?

7) Decide on how fast you can and want to move your items. This means several things. Have you taken out debt to purchase your current inventory? Do you sell your inventory to pay for necessities to keep you/your family afloat? We have some consultants who have no debt with their current inventory and can take a loss fast to free up money to buy new inventory. But we also have consultants who have debt for current inventory and cannot afford to take a heavy loss fast. (There is nothing wrong with this! This is why we are here to help!)


If you have 400-500 or more items, AND have Sonlet, here is what we recommend. 

1) You are good to go with any sale (group or week long link) that we offer.

2) Take the time to consider 1-7 above in the “Beginning” section.

3) Look at your week and see how much time you have to dedicate to customers/shipping.

4) The Week Long Sonlet Link options are a great option. You load on Sunday nights and then our advertising team does the rest of the work selling the items. All you need to do is keep an eye out for customer questions, claims, invoicing and sending.

5) Group sales are amazing and a place where you can REALLY maximize your sales by going live, doing wall drops and speed videos on top of loading to either traditional albums or Sonlet link “albums” that are included with the group sales.

6) Spread your inventory around. If you use the search bar in Too Fast and type in Massive, you will see some of the awesome results people have by spreading their inventory to different sale/parties.


If you have 400-500 or more items, and do NOT have Sonlet, here is what we recommend. 

1) Get Sonlet. It is the best $9.99 you will spend each month.

2) You are good to go with any GROUP sale that we offer. If you do NOT have Sonlet, even though over half of our group sales have Sonlet link “albums” you still have the ability to go live, do wall drops and speed videos. Those three things are key in making sales and really making your inventory stand out.

3) Take the time to consider 1-7 above in the “Beginning” section.

3) Look for the 🖤 on the sign up info-graphic. This will indicate Traditional Album sales that you can load directly to the albums that we provide for you all. You can manually load to albums or use any other loading program that you currently have to load.


If you have less than 400-500 items, AND have Sonlet here is what we recommend. 

1) Take the time to consider 1-7 above in the “Beginning” section.

2) Choose a link package where you can spread your inventory around to different links and get more eyes on them. A single link may not be the best fit but maximizing the eyes on your items is a far better option. If you use the search bar in Too Fast and type in Massive, you will see some of the awesome results people have by spreading their inventory to different sale/parties

3) Choose a group sale option. So with groups, we either have traditional albums or Sonlet link “albums”. You should still load to either option with less than 400-500 items but going live, doing wall drops and speed videos will increase your sales.


If you have less than 400-500 items, and do NOT have Sonlet here is what we recommend. 

1) Take the time to consider 1-7 above in the “Beginning” section.

2) Choose a group sale option. So with groups, we either have traditional albums or Sonlet link “albums”. You should maximize eyes on your items by going live, doing wall drops and speed videos.

3) Look for the 🖤 on the sign up info-graphic. This will indicate Traditional Album sales that you can load directly to the albums that we provide for you all. You can manually load to albums or use any other loading program that you currently have to load.