Bookings, bookings, bookings! In direct sales or party planning, the focus is always on bookings. Would you like to double your bookings? Of course, you would!

You can significantly boost your bookings by initiating a ‘Hostess Club’. Even if you already manage a club or group for customers, incorporating a Hostess Club into your strategy is a great addition.

What Is A ‘Hostess Club’?
A Hostess Club is designed for individuals who schedule multiple parties with you throughout the year. The number of parties required for Host Club eligibility is your choice.

This depends on the frequency of your company’s catalog releases and the average value of a party. While this requires careful consideration, for many consultants, hosting 2 parties per year is an ideal criterion.

Why Should A Hostess Join Your Hostess Club?
To entice people into your Hostess Club, you need to make membership exceptionally rewarding.

Consider these ideas:

– Hostess a special event at the year’s end exclusively for club members.
– Offer accolades like “Hostess of the Quarter,” “Hostess of the Year,” or awards for highest party sales or most outside orders. You might even create a “Hall of Fame” for your hosts!
– Give them early access to special offers, new products, new catalogs, or discounts.
– Allow them first dibs on booking dates for special releases or seasonal events.
– Present a unique gift for hosting a second and third party within the year. Tailor the gift to complement the products you sell.
– Implement a ‘party points’ system, rewarding hosts for various achievements. At year-end, recognize the top three with special prizes.

Investing time in making your Host Club appealing through unique opportunities and recognition will significantly benefit your business.

Promote Your Host Club
Ensure you widely promote your Host Club. Highlight it in newsletters, your customer group on Facebook, and during in-home parties.

When contacting previous hosts, mention the Host Club as an incentive for them to book another party.

By taking excellent care of your hosts, you’ll strengthen your business and effortlessly double your party bookings.

Kick Start February With Your Hostess Club!

To jumpstart your year in February, extensively promote your host club during the busy trade season before quarter 2. Offer everyone who parties with you in this period a chance to join the Host Club if they book a party in February – even if it means relaxing your usual requirements. This strategy is an effective way to begin your year with a busy schedule.